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Salam Reformasi!

Assalamualaikum and salam reformasi! Yes, I know, these days we are asking the new government to change Malaysia, to reform Malaysia. Of course this kind of favor from citizens is good. Because thats what we want, the betterment of Malaysia! That means people are aware that Malaysia isnt good enough as it is now. But, people! do you realize that Malaysia can never move forward and be a developed country as long as it citizens have very bad attitudes. How long are you gonna re alize this? Our attitudes are the most important factors for our country's development! Bila kita nak maju kalau perangai masih mundur? We can see everywhere, whenever there are new facilities built, like not even a year, even after a week, it will be vandalised. Like harshly not just like writing something by pencils no, but being tore apart, being broken badly and so on. What is this? Also, we can see almost all civil servants treat citizs badly like JPJ, Police, Hospitals and even any administ

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