Wearing your hijab needs ikhlas or not

Assalamualaikum wbt. to all my virtual friends who have been reading my blog posts,

Yeah, just looking at my title, it would trigger controversy as many have different views on this issue

Recently, my father told us about her boss's daughter who was being scolded by her father for not wearing a hijab. Then, she replied back to her father "Why do we need to wear a hijab if we don't want to wear it? It's just a hypocrite then."

Until now my mind have been thinking about this issue. Actually, I have discussed about this with my grandma a year ago. We had jumped into the same conclusion on this matter. But, then I think I need to publish this view or conclusion that me and my grandma have in our minds so that every young women in this world could read and think about it. 

First of all, o young women out there if you ever read this! Just know this one thing first that wearing a hijab is compulsory(wajib) to all Muslim women like doing prayers(solah), it's wajib. All Muslim scholars agree upon this matter by reasoning from Surah-An Nur verse 31

(وَلْيَضْرِبْنَ بِخُمُرِهِنَّ عَلَى جُيُوبِهِنَّ)

In Arabic, the world (ل) in (وليضربن) means to command or order. So, doing it is wajib/compulsory. 

This ayah meaning is Allah orders all Muslim women to wear hijab with covering their chests. 

So, Allah's order or command is compulsory/wajib then. Then, why would you question about hypocrisy on wajib matters? 

I'll give you an analogy to get a better understanding. Doing five prayers is wajib right? Allah commands us to do solah in any conditions we are except for those in long journey(musafir) and sick people. So, although you have no intention at all in doing the five prayers you have to do it no matter what because it is wajib. If you don't do it because you are not ikhlas(willingly doing something), your sin for not doing it will still be written on. But, if you are doing it in a condition where you are not ikhlas, your good deed will be observed by Allah the Almighty and the Merciful. He might give you rewards although you are not ikhlas. Or He might even change your hearts from unwillingly doing it to willingly doing it and even to lovingly doing it because He is the One who holds our hearts and changes them. That's why Muslims need to recite this du'a always :

(يَا مُقَلِّبَ القُلُوبِ ثَبّْتْ قُلُوبَنَا عَلَى دِينِكَ وَعَلَى طَاعَتِك)

So, back to hypocrisy in wearing hijab without ikhlas or clear intention. Even though you got no intention in wearing hijab, just wear it because it is wajib. Wearing a hijab doesn't mean that you become someone else and you are not you because you have to change your personalities immediately. That's what Malaysian Muslim women understand but it is not like that. Personalities can be changed slowly. But, doing what is wajib can't be questioned ever again. Do you want to wait until you age to wear it? Or until you're dying to wear it? Or you want to say "wait until hidayah comes". Oh, what a joke! If you don't lead yourself toward hidayah how would you get it? If you don't lead yourself toward success how would you get it? You can't just simply say when someone asks you 
"Hye dear, when will you own a house?"
"Oh, wait until success comes running to me." 

You'll never get a house. You, yes it should be you running toward success. Success is there, static waiting for you, never disappearing. It should be you running toward ikhlas and hidayah, they're waiting for you to grab them. 

You wear hijab to protect yourself from any challenges in this 21th century. You, women are priceless and only the right one (husband) can see your beauty. 

Here is a tip from me in doing ibadah, even if you are unwillingly doing it, just force yourself to do it (ibadah) and bear in mind if you don't do it you will be punished in the hereafter (akhirah). In the beginning, yes, you are forcing yourself but I believe later on the willingness will come slowly until you achieve the ikhlas stage. Doing ibadah is not easy for those who are unwilling you know just like doing exercise is not easy for those who are unwilling to do it like me hahaha but forcing yourself in the beginning is a good tip I got from my grandma until you don't feel like you're forcing yourself anymore in doing something.

Alright then, for your information, the italic words are Arabic words and in Arabic there are deeper meaning in a word. For example, Ikhlas doesn't simply means willingly doing something but it has deeper meaning in it. 

But, here I'll just go with the surface meaning and try not to complicate things. Inshallah next time I'll try to explain about deeper meanings on certain Arabic words. 

Thank you and May Allah bless you always :) 


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