Volunteer Part 2

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Still on the same topic. Actually I applied for volunteering at 
Petrosains and last week they called me for an interview.
I was really excited but unfortunately it was not my rezeki.

Since my father did not approve my going there so I just 
cut off my intention to be a volunteer there. But well, Petrosains 
voluteers are given allowance. RM 5 per hour. But when I thought 
about it for some days, it wasn't worth for me to work there
because I have to pay for public transport fees and foods.

Although it seems exciting working there, learning Science that I 
have left for 2 years, playing with kids and more I will just have to redha
what happens.Maybe Allah has another great plan for me, In shaa Allah.

Thanks for reading and Assalamualaikum :)


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