Salam Jihad

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

First of all, I'm sorry that I have to post in English
because my madam asked me to practice English either 
in writing or speaking.

I'm so sorry again because I did not post anything for a long time, 
I guess. I have been very busy lately due to my study schedule.
Alhamdulillah, now I am studying at Centre for Foundation Studies
in International Islamic University Malaysia, Petaling Jaya.
I study Bachelor in Arabic(BAR) course but recently I changed
my course to Arabic as A Communication(ARCOM).

However, in Semester 1, I must study the 2 languanges
which are Arabic and English and Islamic and Other Religion 
subject. I have to exempted both languanges in my 
Arabic Placement Test(APT) and English Placement Test(EPT)
which will be hold in the end of semester.
so that I can take my corecourses in the next semester.
Please pray for me, In shaa Allah ameen :)

It had been 2 weeks of my life in the campus.
Until now, I still suffer from homesickness but Alhamdulillah
it is better now because I am busying myself with study 
and social life in campus. I try to be independent because I 
know sooner or later I have to face the tough of the world 
which need more strength and patience.

Hence, I always remember the verse of Alquran which mean
"and ask help from Allah with patient and pray"

Al-Baqarah : 153

Alhamdulillah yesterday was the first day of Ramadhan and
I had the chance to go back home and celebrate Ramadhan
with my family. I was really happy at home. Together with my mom,
we made Yong Tau Fu. And my brothers and I cleaned up 
the home. I was really happy that I could see my kittens which
were born like 2 weeks ago. They were so cute. I hope they will 
grow well, in shaa Allah :)

Oh yes, sorry my dear friend, Aishah Batrishia because I couldn't 
go out with you last week. I hope we can hang out
another time, dont worry, in shaa Allah :)

 Alhamdulillah my contact hours per week are not really pack
like my other friends which are 18 hours per week. But I
don't know why I feel my schedule is so pack. Maybe because it
is really different when I was in school. Hmm. 
It's okay, study is jihad. So, I have to be really strong 
to keep moving and walking in this path of jihad.
In shaa Allah, all my dear friends also can do it .
Bittaufiq wannajah and Ramadhan Kareem.



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